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Atmospheric correction for satellite question
08-Jun-2015, 10:41 PM,
Atmospheric correction for satellite question
Hello, I am currently attempting to run ATCOR4 atmospheric correction of a scene from NASA's HICO hyperspectral imager. I have set up the sensor (satellite based), made the SCA, rsp, RESLUT files. I have input the flight and solar geometry, selected the h99000 atmospheric file.

The problem I am having happens when I attempt to run Image Processing. After clicking Image Processing, I choose "Yes" for Variable Visibility and Variable Water Vapor, and "No" for the other options. Next, I leave the "Select Region(s) for Water Vapor Algorithm" options at their defaults. I also leave "Spectral Reflectance Raio for Dark Pixels (DDV)" at it's default settings as well, including no interpolation for Visibility Index. After selecting "Done" I get the following error: >>>atcor4f-Error <<< STDEV: Number of data points must be > 1.

I am not sure what this error means and how I can fix the issue, I would really appreciate any and all help. Thank you.

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Atmospheric correction for satellite question - by AuxiliaryPie - 08-Jun-2015, 10:41 PM

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