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ATCOR4 Batch Changes Visibility
02-Nov-2021, 02:00 PM,
ATCOR4 Batch Changes Visibility
Dear all,

I'm currently trying to run ATCOR4 rugged terrain in batch mode. I handle the batching in MATLAB which I use to:
1) customise the .inn files per each flight line I'm processing
2) prepare the command to send to the OS (Windows 10 x64) which looks something like this:

idlrt.exe -rt="C:\Program Files\ReSe_Software_Win64\atcor_4\bin\atcor4.sav" -args path_to_input_radiance_file.bsq R path_to_output_reflectance file

For this processing I need the visibility to stay fixed at a certain value and not the value that ATCOR4 would like (because with my value it detects some negative surface reflectance pixels). I need it fixed like that because the visibility that ATCOR4 would prefer actually lowers a lot reflectance in the NIR compared with my ground truth. 

In order to do so I've set the npref to 0 in the .inn file (see attached inn file as an example) and set the preference file in  "∼/.idl/rese/atcor4/" to -not- adapth path radiance for blue bands (see the attached preference file). 
Nevertheless, my ATCOR4 log keeps reporting an initial visibility of 22 Km (the one I chose) and a final visibility of 40 Km (the one that ATCOR wants, but I do not) and the reflectance is NIR is lower than expected. 

How do I stop this behaviour from happening when I batch jobs? 

With the GUI it's straightforward: a window pops-up asking if I want to modify the visibility, I click on "no", and ATCOR proceeds with my visibility. How do I do the same in the batch version? 

Thank you for your help
02-Nov-2021, 02:51 PM,
RE: ATCOR4 Batch Changes Visibility
If entering a negative visibility in the inn file, atcor will not try to override the initial inputs in batch mode. Hope that helps.
02-Nov-2021, 03:11 PM,
RE: ATCOR4 Batch Changes Visibility
Thank you for your quick reply, but I'm still confused. I thought that, when running in batch mode without a GUI, the .inn file is the only way of setting the processing values (altitude, heading, solar angles, visibility, atmosphere, etc. etc. etc.), so, if I input a negative value in there won't ATCOR use that as the visibility instead of the value I want? Or does ATCOR uses the absolute value and reads the sign as a sort of flag?
Maybe am I mistaken about inputting these values for batch and there are other command line options to set them?

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